Jack Lively is the author of the Tom Keeler series of thriller novels.

His writing and interests cover a wide range of topics, genre fiction and narrative, moral philosophy, politics, military affairs, technology and religion.

Jack holds a PhD from Goldsmiths College in London, UK. His dissertation explored the emergence of contemporary military drone warfare.

The research proposed that the introduction of military drones and the so called “signature strike” - by the US in Iraq - has reshaped liberal politics, suggesting that a new kind of political order is emerging - one that no longer centers on the individual human being.



“Very exciting. Those of delicate sensibilities may want to skip. I say, bring it on!”

— Eddie K.


Fast, interesting, and mean. Loved it.

— Mischy


“I thoroughly enjoyed this book. So much that I had a difficult time letting go, and going to sleep. I didn’t want to stop reading. Well done Mr. Lively! May we please have more? Soon. Very soon.”

— Terrill D. Carpenter


“This is another winner for Tom Keeler, fast paced, high impact, exiting book.”

— Dan G.